14 Days Selous and Zanzibar


day by day program


Day 1: Dar es Salaam

Jambo! Welcome to Tanzania.

Met on arrival and transfer to the hotel in Dar Es Salaam.

The rest of the day is free to relax and recover from your journey. The hotel complex has lots of traditional souk shops and restaurants. We also recommend an optional 30 minute boat ride out to the gorgeous inhabited Bongoyo Island. On the island you can lounge in the shade on the beach or take a dip in the sea and go snorkelling.

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s old capital, means ‘Haven of Peace’. Many of its buildings display Arabian influence and the port area is fascinating to visit with its ocean-going dhows and inshore ngalawas (out-rigger fishing canoes).

An airport arrival transfer is included. This transfer is only valid if you are arriving on the group flights on Day 1. Please ask your travel agent to confirm these flight details at the time of booking. If you are arriving earlier or later than the group flights, and do not wish to wait, we can provide a private arrival transfer for an additional cost.
Optional Activities
Bongoyo Island Day Trip – USD40
Hotel (1 nt)

Days 2-5: Selous Game Reserve

This morning we transfer to Dar’s Tazara Station and board the 10:00am train to Selous (Tuesdays and Fridays). The journey is just over 4hrs and paints an interesting picture of rural Tanzanian life. There is a small chance we will spot game as the train passes through Selous Game Reserve. We arrive at the lodge in time for a relaxing afternoon.

You arrive at Kisaki station; the village is home to many Masai. From here it’s a 20 minute drive to Sable Mountain Lodge. Your home for the next four nights is set high above riparian forest at the north-west corner of the reserve, in an area of considerable elephant activity. It consists of eight delightful stone cottages and five tented bandas, with a swimming pool (great for cooling off in between safaris!), en suite facilities, solar power, and its own supply of spring water. Its high elevation provides wonderful views over the surrounding hills and forest with magnificent views of the Uluguru Mountains beyond. The lodge also has its own waterhole where you can watch the animals come down to drink in the evening. Regular visitors include elephant, buffalo, zebra and in November and December, the rare sable antelope.

Selous, at 55,000 square km; (about 5% of Tanzania’s total land area) is the largest wildlife preserve in the whole of Africa and contains the largest populations of elephant, buffalo, hippo, crocodile and wild dog on the continent, as well as large populations of giraffe, zebra and various antelope species. However, as it receives fewer visitors than some of Africa’s more famous reserves, you can benefit from more relaxed game viewing experiences; the north-west sector in particular is away from the busier routes and it isn’t unusual for you not to see any other vehicles during your game drives here.

There are over 400 recorded bird species, including a dazzling array of bee-eaters, rollers, sunbirds and kingfishers, and a marvellous landscape which changes dramatically across the reserve. The reserve has an incredible diversity of habitats from deciduous hard woodland (miombo), open grassland, rocky hills scattered with thorny acacia, palm woodland, sand rivers (only channeling water in the wet season), riverine forest, swamps, lakes and rivers. Its ecological importance leads to the reserve being designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982. This is one of the last great African wildernesses where it is still possible to watch lions stalking their prey without worrying about another vehicle interrupting the show.

With such a vast area of bush at your disposal, your first full day in Selous is spent exploring firstly on foot as you make an exciting early morning walking safari – a great way to really get in tune with the beauty, peace and tranquility of the wilderness. Selous is one of the few parks and reserves in Tanzania where foot safaris are permitted; there is nothing to beat the thrill of going in search of big game without the confines or noise of a vehicle. Travelling on foot also allows you to take a closer look at the vegetation and follow animal spoor; your guide will be on hand to highlight points of interest and answer your questions. You may come across some of the park’s smaller, though no less interesting residents, such as birds and insects. Look out for dung beetles rolling elephant dung; their ability to move dung balls many times their size is amazing –especially as they may also have to fight off other beetles trying to steal their prize!

You return to the lodge for lunch and have the afternoon to relax by the pool or check to see if there are any visitors at the waterhole. After the heat of the day subsides you embark on your first game drive. Using an open-sided 4WD vehicle you travel deeper into the reserve in search of more game. Selous Game Reserve is a vast wilderness and there are numerous routes to take. A stop at one of the many dry sand river beds may reveal elephants digging for water – a truly thrilling experience. You may also spot wild dog; unlike many other parks, Selous has a thriving population. The park is also home to a large population of giraffe and it is not uncommon to see large groups of them browsing the tops of trees and shrubs.

After dinner back at the lodge, the perfect way to cap the day’s activity is to relax with a night cap on the pool terrace. A great place to gaze at myriad of stars and soak up the night sounds. The constant sound of cicadas chirping is quite soporific while the sound of a hyena laughing or a lion roaring has a more spine- chilling effect!

The following day, you take a full day game drive including a boat safari and a chance to spot pods of partially-submerged hippo, crocodile and other waterside dwellers at close quarters. Hearing hippo laugh is an experience which will delight everyone but only the brave will dare to look a crocodile right in the eye!
Bird life is prolific; you are likely to see pelican, African skimmer, goliath heron, fish eagle, ibis and various species of kingfisher including the aptly named giant kingfisher – the largest in the world. The area is also home to Pel’s fishing owl but you would be very lucky indeed to see one. You may also spot other game at the water’s edge coming down for a welcome drink, especially during the dry season (mid-June – mid-November). Buffalo, waterbuck and impala are the most likely candidates but elephant, lion and leopard need to quench their thirst too. On returning to the camp after dark, look out for some of the area’s nocturnal species at the waterhole.

Included Activities:-

4×4 Game Drives
Selous Walking Safari
Boat Safari
Masai village visit

Sable Mountain Lodge (2 night)

Day 6-8: Stone town/Zanzibar

This morning there is a last chance to wallow by the pool before breakfast. A final short game drive ends at the Selous airstrip by mid-morning where you board the aircraft for a stunning flight across savannah grassland and shrub before crossing the Straits of Zanzibar to Zanzibar Island. As a result of its trade in slaves and spices, Zanzibar was for many years the most important town on the East African coast. The Sultans of Oman, who introduced the clove tree to its fertile soil at the start of the last century, moved their court here from Muscat in the Gulf and ruled until independence in the early 1960s.

As a major trading centre, the ‘Spice Island’ is also reputed to be the birthplace of Swahili, the simple lingua franca that developed to allow trade between people of different languages. In the heart of the original merchant city the baleful cry of the muezzin calling the faithful to prayer resonates though the narrow stone streets.

The old part of Zanzibar’s main city is known as Stone Town. The best way to see this exotic port town is on foot, exploring the bazaars, shops, mosques, palaces, courtyards and myriad intricate alleyways. When the sun is setting, why not enjoy a sundowner from a bar overlooking the seafront before trying one of the island’s local seafood curries at one of the town’s many restaurants.

You have the following morning to explore the atmospheric, faded splendour of Stone Town. It’s fun to wander unhurriedly through the narrow, whitewashed streets and make chance discoveries. The bustle of the old fish market, the vibrant colours of the stalls in the fruit market, the curious mix of black Africa and Islam – veiled women, men with white pillar-box hats, and traces of Arabic origins in the faces of merchants.

Activity included:-
Stone town historical Tour
Hotel (3 nights)

Days 9-13 Zanzibar Beach

Today you will go on a ‘spice tour’, which brings to life the story of the island by visiting its many ruins, and the extensive plantations which produce cloves, pepper, cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg and cardamom as well as fruit and herbs. The tour will generally last for 1.5 to 2 hours. Then you transfer to a beach hotel (about one hour’s drive).

The beautiful coastline with its palm-fringed beaches creates an image of a forgotten paradise. Most are protected by coral reefs and are made of white coral sand. Here you can relax on the balmy, tropical shores of the Indian Ocean. In the morning it may be possible to see some of the local fishermen, in their traditional dhows, bringing in their catch.

Spend the days relaxing or snorkelling in crystal-clear water. There are bicycles for hire or several other optional excursions can be arranged through your hotel, such as scuba diving, boat excursions or fishing trips. There are no activities planned for the final day and you are able to depart the accommodation at any time.

An airport departure transfer is included. This transfer is only valid if you are departing on the group flights on

Day 14. Transfer from the hotel to Zanzibar airport and fly back home

Included Activities
Zanzibar Spice Tour

The Zanzibari Hotel (5 nights)


Item Included

Item Excluded



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Southern Circuit national parks

These are sample itineraries that will give you an idea of what is possible when you travel in Southern Tanzania, and showcases routes we know work particularly well. Treat this as inspiration, because your trip will be created uniquely by one of our specialists.

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